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The e-Suite features a host of innovative solutions. It enables you to track and control copy, fax and scan jobs, and perform secure print release via the Toshiba MFP



The e-Suite lets you tackle the ineffective use of resources due to unnecessary printing and administration.


Manage inaccurate chargeback to various departments due to unaccounted print usage by unknown users.

Full control

The e-Suite gives you full control and allows you to manage your entire organisation’s printing system while enhancing security and reducing overhead costs.

E-suite solutions

1 - Efficiency
Toshiba e-Suite provides a single web administration interface which enables user & device management. This reduces the overall management time and allows employees to focus on their core job responsibilities more efficiently and more effectively.
2 - Pull printing
The pull printing (eFollow) feature brings information security of an organisation to a higher level and eliminates information theft. The feature allows all registered users print from any e-Suite enabled MFP. This means that only registered users could authenticate at Toshiba MFP successfully. This reduces the chance of missing/ uncollected prints-out and waiting time.
3 - MPS
The MPS implementation allows the customers to have easy and simple control over all their document output, with a reporting mechanism providing greater visibility of their overall printing expenditures.

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